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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » Eminem (阿姆) Eminem (阿姆) » We Made You » We Made You

歌 手: Eminem (阿姆) (Eminem (阿姆))

歌 曲: We Made You (專 輯:We Made You)

上傳會員: ntt123

日 期: 2009 - 4

歌 詞
作曲:Marshall Mathers、Andre Young、M. Batson、D Parker、T. Lawrence、W. Egan
Guess Who… You Miss me?...  
Jessica Simpson sing the chorus  
When you walked through the door  
It was clear to me (clear to me)  
You’re the one they adore, who they came to see (who they came to see)  
You’re a … rockstar (baby)  
Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)  
Player… Who can really blame you (who can really blame you)  
We're the ones who (chicka) made you *ahem*  
Verse Two:  
Back by popular demand  
Now pop a little zantac or ant'-acid if you can  
You're ready to tackle any task that is at hand  
How does it feel, is it fantastic, is it grand?  
Well look at all the massive masses in the stands  
Shady man… no don’t massacre the fans  
Damn, I think Kim Kardashians a man  
She stumped just cause he asked to put his hands  
On her massive glutious maximus again  
Squeeze it, then Squish it, then pass it to her friend  
Can he come back as nasty as he can  
Yes he can,can, don’t ask me this again  
He does not mean to lesbian offend  
But Lindsay please come back to seeing men  
Samantha’s a 2, Youre practically a 10  
I know you want me girl,  
In fact I see your grin - now come in girl  
Chorus: Dina Rae  
When you walked through the door  
It was clear to me (clear to me)  
You’re the one they adore, who they came to see (who they came to see)  
You’re a … rockstar (baby)  
Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)  
Player… Who can really blame you (who can really blame you)  
We're the ones who made you  
Verse Two:  
The enforcer, looking for more women to torture  
Walk up to the cutest girl and Charlie Horse her  
Sorry Portia, but whats Ellen Degeneres  
Have that I don't, are you telling me tenderness?  
Well I can be as gentle and as smooth as a gentleman  
Give me my ventolin inhaler and two Xenadrine  
And I'll invite Sarah Palin out to dinner then  
Nail her,'Baby say hello to my little friend'  
Brit f'rget K Fed lets cut off the middle man  
Forget him or your gona end up in hospital again  
And this time it wont be for the ritalin binge  
Forget them other men, girl pay them little attention  
A little bit did I mention  
that Jennifer's in love with me John Mayer  
So sit on the bench  
Man I swear them other guys you give em an inch  
They take a mile, they got style but it isn't Slim  
CHORUS: Dina Rae  
When you walked through the door  
It was clear to me (clear to me)  
You’re the one they adore, who they came to see (who they came to see)  
You’re a … rockstar (baby)  
Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)  
Player… Who can really blame you (who can really blame you)  
Were the ones who made you  
Verse Three:  
And that’s why… my love  
You'll never live without  
I know you want me girl  
cause I can see you checking me out  
And baby, you know  
you know you want me too  
Don’t try to deny it baby  
I’m the only one for you  
Damn girl Im beginning to sprout an Alfalfa  
Why should I wash my filthy mouth out  
You think that’s bad you should hear the rest of my album  
Never has there been so finesse and nostalgia  
Man Cash,I don’t mean to mess up your gal but  
Jessica Alba put a breast in my mouth bro  
Wowzers, I just made a mess of my trousers  
And they wonder why I keep dressing like Elvis  
Lord help us he's back in his pink Alf shirt  
Looking like someone shrinked his outfit  
I think hes about to flip  
rest assure, Supermans here to rescue ya  
Can you blame me?  
You’re my Amy, I'm your Blake  
Matter fact make me a birthday cake  
With a saw blade in it to make my jail break  
Baby, I think you just met your soul mate  
(Now break it down girl)  
Chorus: Dina Rae  
When you walked through the door  
It was clear to me (clear to me)  
You’re the one they adore, who they came to see (who they came to see)  
You’re a … rockstar (baby)  
Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)  
Player… Who can really blame you (who can really blame you)  
Were the ones who made you  
So baby, baby  
Get down, down, down  
Baby, get down, down down  
Baby, get down, down down  
Baby, get down, get down  
Baby, get down, down down  
Baby, get down, down down  
Baby, get down, down down  
Baby, get down, get down  
Oh Amy, Rehab never looked so good,  
I can't wait, Im going back!! HAHA Whooo!  
DR DRE, 2020, Yeah  

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